I was commissioned to do the animated video from start to finish. I was provided with the storyboard, so I had no part to play in the script or arrangement of the story, but I did have full control over how it looked and how it moved.
To do the initial concepts, I had to buy some 3D models of mushrooms but they were'nt quite right so I had to model gills to get them super high quality and wrangle them together for the close up. For the products was just a simple cylinder with the storyboard image projected onto the basic geometry. But then I was sent the products in the mail to model from scratch with accurate measurements and colours and reflection maps. I was also sent the sleeve designs by email so I could use them to texture the new models, adding subtle elements like gloss, embossed typography for the logo and such.

Storyboard Shot 1 - I was told for the opening shot, we want abstract. So the viewer cant tell what they're looking at. But this is supposed to be the gills, or underside of a mushroom cap.

Final Render Shot 1 - This was my interpretation. Originally it was white but e of the revisions was to make thee mushrooms more warm, earthy tones.

Storyboard Shot 2 - The camera pulls out to reveal that you are looking at a mushroom

Final Render Shot 2

Storyboard Shot 3 - Camera continues to pull out, revealing blurred mushrooms and products in the BG

Final Render Shot 3

Storybard Shot 4 - Camera reveals products next to mushrooms and pill capsules

Final Render Shot 4 - Exactly that. I tried my best here to make sure the render looked almost exactly the same as the storyboard, but we had different models of a mushroom.

Storyboard Shot 5 - Zooms out further

Final Render Shot 5 - I decided to add a particle system into the action as well to create more visual interest, and it could also signify or resemble spores and powders, as the capsules contain the product in powder form.

Storyboard Shot 6 - This was concepted by Dan Thompson using mid journey or Adobe spark, who did the storyboard

Final Render shot 6 - After doing some research, I found out the products didnt contain any herbs or vegetables like in the concept, so what you see here are actually in the products. We have Cordyceps Mushrooms at the top of the log, next down is Lions Mane, the flower looking thing is Rhodiola Rosea, and the Group of mushrooms that grow on the side are Reishi Mushrooms. Again, followed by the particles which fly past the camera in a turbulent field, leading you on to the next shot.

Storyboard shot 7 - Pills.

Final Render Shot 7 - Pills. avec Particles.




Products in reality they were more this colour as I got sent them in the post to model and texture prior to the animation.

Sometimes I wasn't provided with a visual cue

So I had to make it up

But luckily it was pretty self explanatory

More product!