London Piccadilly 3D OOH Campaign Charlotte Tilbury's new Pillow Talk selection
Charlotte Tilbury was probably the biggest piece of work I've done to date, stretching over 4 projects and an average of £0.5 million spent on each project, reaching over 70 million eyeballs worldwide!
Let's start with London Piccadilly OOH Campaign. This was for Charlotte Tilbury's new Pillow Talk products featuring Magic Wands, Lipstick, Luxury Palette, Lip Liners and more.
I was tasked to create a 3D optical illusion animation for London Piccadilly's 3D Curved screen - an animation that works from one perspective and looks like it comes outside of the screen towards the viewer, which was a lot of fun!
Above is the very first draft we sent to CT. This was after about 5 storyboard revisions and several material and model reviews which took about a week to get just to this point. This draft is to show only the timings of the animation. So it has no real detailed animation.
This is essentially the blocking out phase. Once the client confirms they're happy with the timings and the primary content, we go on to refine the animaiton and start to add materials and such.
This is the step where the client can change their mind the most as we dont have to resimulate any physics or change much animation so it's a lot easier at this phase.
This is a much more refined clay render of the animation. Still including no materials, but shows how things will behave in relation to the primary movement. Once this is approved, we then move on to refine the animation even further, really tying down the look to how the final animation will feel.
This step includes cloth simulation of the curtain being drawn open and closed, the carpet has a hair particle system with dynamic simulated hairs, and rigid body physics for the diamonds.
Skipping forward about 10 revisions, this is nearly the final render. The client has said they're happy with everything and we are nearly ready to render out the final animation.
This has everything that should have physics simulations, does (aside from the newspapers as the client said they wanted to be able to read it.). This also features about 1 million particles of fairy dust coming out of the wand, happy potter style animated newspapers and we replaced the diamonds physics with a disco ball shaking as it comes into the room.
This is the closest we can get to showing the client what the animation will look like when it's on the screen. Once the client approves, we render out a whopping 10k animaiton which took approximately 2 days over 3 machines, all equipped with the latest NVidia 3090 GPUs.
The entire project took about 1 month to get shipped and out the door, about 20 revisions going to and fro with the client and cost about half a million for the whole package. All in all was a very fun experience and I learned a lot during the process.
Below are some screenshots from the video and the previous project I worked on which was 3D out of home for Dubai and Berlin!

Drone footage of the animation on the big screen over the London City scape.

Capturing the attention of the viewer

Lipstick reveal

Kate moss in the reflection of the luxury palette

Wand reveal

Drone footage of the animation at night.

An early concept featuring smoke simulation

an early concept of the products lined up in a row

Concept of the TV design. I went to the effort of adding actual RGB pixels on the screen for that extra detail that you can really see, but its there!

Wand concept design featuring some lovely caustics.

Colour reference guide
Dubai and Germany 3D OOH Campaign Charlotte Tilbury's new Magic Cream
The Magic Cream project was done prior to the Picadilly project and was due to be screened on Dubai's biggest curved 3D screen at Boulevard Point and Germany's assembly of billboards at Mercedes Platz - two of the countries hot spots to gather millions of views during the time they were aired.
The debai project was especially difficult because I wasn't provided with a template project file to work on in 3D. I was given the technical specs for the screen and that was it. So I had to 3D model the screen myself to scale in Blender based on the technical specs shown below - luckily the tech specs showed the size of each individual cell that made up the entire screen and showed how many cells were in each section of the screen. Working out the curved sections was quite difficult and took a lot of maths to calculate the angles. I had to then use the tech specs given and go to google maps to approximate the distance away the viewer might be from the screen and also come up with a viewing angle. This was again very difficult but I managed to pull it off!

I dont have any of my clay renders but I do have a mock up done and some example renders below. You'll see the car and the palm trees in the mock up is used for scale reference, as well as some of the example renders I did of the cloth for the curtain and the magic cream render on its own to show the materials of the product - again, this wasn't provided and I had to 3D model it from scratch!

One of their initial ideas was to have cherry blossom leaves but they decided not to go with it in the end.

an earlier concept with a more baby pink colour palette

a later concept showing the inside of the box with maroon red velvet cloth interior

a concept showing the style of sparkles the CT fairy would emit

First render of the Magic Cream on it's own

Curtain fabric material

Macro close up of the certain material showing the little hair fibre details - we ended up making this much darker in the final render.
And finally the animation for Berlin is essentially the same animation but it had to be resized and repurposed for the different sized, non curved screens. Below you'll see some of the live action shots of the animation actually on the screens and some mockups.

The final look previz for the portrait screens

a final look of the Magic Cream hero shot with millions of sparkle particles

a final look of the hyuralonic acid molecules that orbit the Magic Cream.
And finally, here's some of the internal work we did for Charlotte Tilbury sales meetings quarterly, as well as One Agencies own timeline animation to give to the CT team to show how we've done so far and that we're looking forward to what's to come. Not the most glamerous projects, majority of it done in 2D in After Effects but managed to squeeze a little 3D in there for appeal.