This client provided me with some artwork and I was asked to animate it and create vinyl artwork for vinyl print. I wasnt told what to do exactly, "Just do your thing and we trust you." which is great that people trust what I do will probably be of good quality.
I decided I wanted all of the elements in the artwork to come to life and move in some way or another - the speakers to react to the music especially. The different parts of the soundsystem moving to a specific element of the music independantly i.e. the subs to react to the bass, the speaker cones to react to the kicks, the mid boxes to the snare, and the tweeters to the hi hats.
For that to happen, I needed to separate each individual element of the artwork into it's own layer so it would move independantly.
This took a lot of time - to cut out each little thing you see in the artwork, and redraw the bits that you couldnt see, so when it moved out of it's place, there wouldnt be a big gap of nothingness.
There were 59 layers/individual elements to the artwork after i had seperated them all. Then I had to animate them individually. Some assets like the spinning vinyls I animated frame by frame like a cartoon. Others have some simple wiggle expressions like the leaves or usb's.
All of this work took about 7 full days but I eventually got there and the results were worth it. The client was very happy and so am I :)
Also, see the vinyl design below.